Monday, February 13, 2017


Dear Mrs. REAL TALK,

Hello my name is Grant and I am in a  REAL predicament, and I don't know what to do. Here the situation, I have been dawned with this responsibility of  making a death row inmate, a man named jefferson, a man before he dies and he believes he is a hog. The problem with this is that in my most recent visit with jefferson he did some things that would make make miss emma, his family, most unpleased and it will break her little old heart. I do not know what to do in this situation Mrs. REAL TALK  please help me!

1 comment:

  1. First off you should continue to visit him constantly. Each visit remind him that he is human and people do care about him. Continue doing your duty to make him a Man and do your part. Your duty may be difficult but do not give up just yet. Give him time to come around and when he do receive his death date you would not have any regrets and know you gave it your all to help Jefferson become a man.
