Sunday, August 21, 2016

There Is Always Room For Improvement

One thing I can and will say is that writing is one of my strong suits. Not in the sense that I'm near perfect at it; it's just the fact that I love to do it, and in my own opinion can put out some pretty decent works. I will admit one thing that I am certain of is that my conventions are shabby and could use slathers of work. I say that I have poor conventions because most of the time I have trouble knowing where to put a comma or where should I be using a semi-colon; this is a problem with me being the partial perfectionist I am I sit there and think about it for a longer period of time that I should. In turn, this leads to me taking more time than I should thinking about this one thing when really I should have been done or at least close. Other areas I feel could use some hard grinding are in organization, ideas,and word choice. My reasoning behind saying those areas is because sometimes if  I don't proofread and catch it, my writing could be all over the place and not really have a main topic, rather several of them. Organization is sometimes another problem, not because I struggle with it, I sometimes just take to long to decide how I want my works to be structured; I kinda threw in word choice because when I'm doing a timed-written assignment I tend not to think about my choices in words and just put down anything. All I can do to work on these areas is to be more impulsive and not overthink it, this will most definitely be achieved with my teacher Mr. Rease timing everything, all I got to do is my best in his class. Though I do see a lot of areas I could work on, one area I am truly confident on is my voice, I feel like this area is one of my more reinforced areas because I take so much time, it enables me to think about what i am writing and put what I truly mean down and add my personal twist to it. Yo, but that's it for me though I am just realizing how long this is, sorry Jaylin, that's all I have for this post. This has been Brandon Rhodes, signing out. Peace out peeps.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Brandon, before I get to the point I want you to know you are an awesome partner. I enjoyed your essay. You puts lots of details and ideas in it. I would love to help you in conventions. If there is ever and essay I would love to scheme and help you with commas and semi-colons. I see we have some similar errors in writing. We can work together and help amenity each others writing skills.
